
2022年11月3日—Macscreenshotshortcuts·Shift+Command+3:Takeascreenshotoftheentirescreen·Shift+Command+4:Captureaspecificsectionorwindow.,2023年2月18日—PressandholdtheCommand,Shiftand“3”keysatthesametime.Thiswilltakeascreenshotofyourentirescreen.mackeyboardcommand ...,2023年2月27日—Pressingthe'Command','Shift'and'3'keys(allatthesametime)willcapturetheentirescreen.Youshouldseethescreenflashorchang...

5 ways to take a screenshot on a Mac computer

2022年11月3日 — Mac screenshot shortcuts · Shift + Command + 3: Take a screenshot of the entire screen · Shift + Command + 4: Capture a specific section or window.

5 Ways to Take a Screenshot on Mac 2023

2023年2月18日 — Press and hold the Command, Shift and “3” keys at the same time. This will take a screenshot of your entire screen. mac keyboard command ...

How to screenshot on a Mac

2023年2月27日 — Pressing the 'Command', 'Shift' and '3' keys (all at the same time) will capture the entire screen. You should see the screen flash or change ...

How to take a screenshot on a Mac

The most useful Mac screenshot shortcuts · Save full-screen screenshot: command + shift + 3 · Save screenshot of single window: first, swipe up with four fingers ...

How to Take a Screenshot on Mac

2023年11月6日 — Shift Command 3 is the most straightforward option. This keyboard shortcut captures a screenshot of your entire screen and automatically saves ...

Keyboard Shortcuts to Capture a Screen Shot with Mac OS X

To capture a portion of the screen, press Command-Shift-4. A cross-hair cursor will appear and you can click and drag to select the area you wish to capture.

Take a screenshot on your Mac

2024年1月12日 — To take a screenshot, press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 3. If you see a thumbnail in the corner of your screen, ...

Taking a Screenshot on Mac

2023年5月20日 — This keyboard shortcut captures a screenshot of your entire screen. Method 2: Cmd-Shift-4. Use this keyboard combo to turn your cursor into a ...